sd sec school kirti nagar delhi
Affiliated To CBSE - Code No. 2776009
About Us
Name Of The School & Address S.D Sec. School (gujrat), Kirti Nagar, N.Delhi - 110015.
Year of establishment of school 1960
The School is recognized By Directorate of Education
Status of affiliation Regular
Affiliation No 2776009
Affiliation with the Board since 1970
Extension of affiliation upto 31 - 3 - 2014
Name of Trust/Society/Company Registered under Section 25 of the company Act,1996. Shri S.D Highersec School (Gujrat) vSociety Kirti Nagar N.D 110015
Period upto which Registered of Trust/Society is valid Life Time
Name and office address of the Manager / President / Chairman / Correspondent K.C Bhasin (Manager), S.D Sec. School (gujrat) Kirti Nagar, Ph:. 9818868071
Area of school campus 1.1730 Acres (4747.34
Built up area 814.17 sq mtr
Area of playground 3933.17 sq. mtr
Section wise enrolment of school for the current session Class VI to Class X,
Section = 10,
Enrollments = 503
Academic Session Period From 1-4-2013 to 31-3-2014
Vacation Period From 11-5-2013 to 31-6-2013 and,
from 26-12-2013 to 15-1-2014
Admission Period From 1-4-2013 to 27-8-2013
Name of the bank through which salary is drawing SBBJ, kirti nagar, new delhi - 15, (Through eCS)
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